Last Tuesday the 10th of September 2013 Canterbury was punished by a thundering storm. From 8pm until the following morning it was a terrible sight. The wind howled, the lightning flashed and the thunder crashed throughout the night and many residents were kept awake in fear. In the morning residents woke up with a terrible fright. There were thousands of trees that had crashed to the ground. There was even one that has fallen right on the tennis court right beside Emma's house in Burnham camp. As well as that no one could enter the tennis court. The cars were blocked and no one could get into there homes so they could be safe and sound. The residents in the night were shivering in there homes. Local resident Monica says that the storm has affected Burnham school and other homes but lucky no one got hurt by this terrible storm. Burnham school was closed for the three days due to the power cut and many trees that fell on the grounds. A week later the is still a mess to clean up.

A large tree shows its roots.

A tree that fell down in Burnham School grounds.

The tree crashed on the grass in the wind.